Reblochon is a semi-hard, pressed cheese with a weight of about 500 grams, made from unpasteurized cow's milk that must ripen for at least 15 days in the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie in France. According to an old tale, it exist... READ MORE
Named after its town of origin and produced in the French Rhône-Alpes region since the Middle Ages, Beaufort is a hard cheese made from raw milk of the Tarentaise cattle breed. It is typically matured much longer than its s... READ MORE
Bleu d'Auvergne is a French blue cheese made from raw cow's milk. It has characteristical veins dispersed throughout its body. The mold that forms in the cheese is a result of the production process - Bleu is pricked with long needles tha... READ MORE
Saint-Félicien is a soft French cheese originating from the region of Rhône-Alpes. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a creamy texture, while its flavor can be described as fruity, sour, nutty, and buttery. Duri... READ MORE
Fourme d'Ambert is an unusually tall, round, blue cheese that is unpressed and uncooked, with a high fat content (50%). It's made from pasteurized or raw cow's milk and it is one of the oldest cheeses in France. On the exterior it has a d... READ MORE
Tomme de Savoie is an uncooked, semi-soft cheese with a gray rind that has yellow and red spots all over it. The cheese is made from cow's milk in the regions of Savoie and Haute-Savoie in France. It is the oldest cheese from the Savoie ... READ MORE
Saint Agur is a French cheese originating from Auvergne, particularly the village of Beauzac. This rindless blue cheese is made with cow's milk, and it is typically left to ripen in cellars for 60 days. The flavors are sharp, spicy, and f... READ MORE
Raclette de Savoie is an ancient mountain cheese common to the Savoie region in France and the canton of Valais in Switzerland. It derives its name from racler, meaning to scrape, which describes the way the local people cut this... READ MORE
Le Brin is a French cheese originating from the region of Rhône-Alpes. The cheese is made with cow's milk and has a washed rind. Its texture is tender and creamy, the aromas are nutty, while the flavors are buttery and slightly swee... READ MORE
Cantal is a double pressed, semi-hard cow's milk cheese made in the Cantal region in France. The curd is pressed, matured and ground, and the granules are then salted, placed in moulds and pressed again to mature for at least 30 days in c... READ MORE
Emmental de Savoie is a cooked and pressed cheese with a yellow to brown rind, made from cow's milk in the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie in France. Regular and clear holes are evenly distributed throughout its brightly-colored, c... READ MORE
Saint-Nectaire is a semi-hard, double pressed farm cheese made in Auvergne from cow's milk and sold in the shape of a flat wheel. It must mature for at least six weeks on rye straw mats before being marketed. As the cows graze on pastures... READ MORE
Saint-Marcellin is a cheese made from full-fat cow's milk in the French regions of Drôme, Isére and Savoie, and it is named after the town of the same name belonging to the Isére region. The cheese comes in two varieti... READ MORE
Rochebaron is a French blue cheese made from cow’s or sheep’s milk. Its texture is soft and creamy, the aroma is strong, while the flavors are mild, mushroomy, and creamy. During the production process, the curd is injected wi... READ MORE
Abondance is a semi-cooked, pressed cheese made with unpasteurized milk from the Abondance, Montbéliarde, and Tarine cow breeds. Easily recognizable by the concave edge of its orange-brown rind, Abondance... READ MORE
Tome des Bauges is a semi-hard cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk, either whole or semi-skimmed, produced in the mountainous Savoie region in France since the 17th century. Since the cows from the area (the Tarine, Abo... READ MORE
Arôme de Lyon is a traditional cheese produced in the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The cheese is made from raw cow’s milk. Underneath its natural or bloomy rind covered with the residue of pressed grapes (grape marc), the text... READ MORE
Delicé du forez is a traditional cheese originating from Bongheat in Puy-de-Dome. This farmhouse cheese is made from raw cow’s milk, and it’s best to taste it from March to October. Underneath its natural rind with moldy specks,... READ MORE
Fromager d’Affinois is a French soft cheese made from cow’s milk. Although d'Affinois is quite similar to Brie in flavor and visual appearance, it is actually much creamier. The cheese has an edible bloomy rind and a silky-smo... READ MORE
Named after a lake in the Auvergne region of France, where it originates from, Pavin is a semi-soft cheese made from pasteurized cow’s milk. It is aged for about 2 months in humid cellars, and during that period, it is regularly was... READ MORE
Fourme de Montbrison is an unpressed and salted soft cheese made from cow's milk in the Loire and Puy-de-Dôme regions in France. On the inside, there are blue mouldy veins dispersed throughout the body, with a mild, rustic taste rem... READ MORE
Beaumont is a French cheese that is produced in the Rhône-Alpes region. It is made with raw cow's milk, and underneath its washed rind there is a creamy and smooth texture of the body with numerous little eyes. The flavor of Beaumon... READ MORE
Salers is a soft farm cheese made from cow's full-fat milk, the final product weighs 35 to 50 kilograms and has been produced in the French region of Cantal since the High Middle Ages. It's made immediately after milking and then matured ... READ MORE
Comtesse de Vichy is a French cheese that’s made in Saint-Just-en-Chevalet. The cheese is made from raw cow’s milk and it’s usually left to age for a month before consumption. During the aging process, the cheese is wrapped with ... READ MORE
Doux de montagne is a traditional cheese hailing from Auvergne. This semi-soft cheese is made from cow's milk and it's shaped like a cottage loaf of bread that's coated with mahogany wax. The texture is light, airy, and creamy, dotted wit... READ MORE
La Roche is a French cheese hailing from Rhone-Alpes where it's produced by Fromagerie Guilloteau. The cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. This blue cheese is left to mature for about 3 weeks. The texture is creamy, soft, and yiel... READ MORE
Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage is a blue cheese made from a mix of warm, raw fresh milk and last evening's cow's milk, with a white moldy rind that may become orange due to yeast and bacteria. It has been produced in the French regions of Dr&o... READ MORE
Gaperon is a hard French cheese made from cow’s milk and flavorings – namely, pepper and garlic. In the past, it was hung from the kitchen beams, but nowadays it ripens in fresh air on rye straw. It also used to be made with l... READ MORE
Brezain is a semi-hard raclette-style French cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is produced in the region of Haute-Savoie, where it must mature for at least 5 months. Its name is derived from the word braise, whi... READ MORE
Bleu de Laqueuille is a French cheese hailing from the eponymous village of Laqueuille. The cheese was first produced by Antoine Roussel in 1850 and it was the original inspiration for the now-classic Bleu d'Auvergne. It's produced only i... READ MORE
Abbaye de Tamié is a French cheese that's been produced by the monks at the Abbey of Tamié in Savoie since the 12th century. The cheese is easily recognizable because it comes wrapped in paper that's decorated with a cross o... READ MORE
Bleu de Termignon is a French blue cheese produced in the region of Rhône-Alpes. It's made from cow's milk, and only four producers make this cheese during the summer. The cheese has a crusty and rough rind, and underneath it there is a dens... READ MORE
Bleu de Bonneval is a traditional cheese hailing from the village of Bonneval in Savoie. The cheese is made from unpasteurized cow's milk and it's typically left to age for about 8 weeks. Underneath its thin moldy rind, the texture is cre... READ MORE
Tomme Crayeuse is a French cheese originating from the region of Savoie. The cheese is made from pasteurized or raw cow's milk and it's left to age in caves from 2 to 4 months before consumption. At first, it's aged in warm and moist cave... READ MORE
Murol is a traditional cheese hailing from Auvergne. The cheese is made from pasturized cow's milk and it's formed into a donut-like shape with a hole in the middle. It 's left to age for at least 5 weeks. Underneath its beer-and-chili wa... READ MORE
Brique du Forez is a traditional cheese hailing from Auvergne. The cheese is made from cow's milk and ages for 2 to 3 months. It's named after its brick-like shape and is easily recognizable by its thin white rind that develops blue and g... READ MORE
Although it was originally made with goat's milk, Tomme de Romans is nowadays almost always made with pasteurized cow's milk. This creamy-textured cheese is traditionally sold in wooden trays that are lined with straw. Because of that, th... READ MORE