"Cassoulet. The haute couture of the genre, with a divinely melted taste of duck fat. Tarbais beans with herbed bread crumbs and meat variations: duck leg, pork ribs, lamb chops, rind sausage. Obviously perfect cooking and generous portion."
on Cassoulet
"10 restaurants in Paris where to eat an excellent (the best!) Cassoulet: Au Trou Gascon - Tarbes beans are cooked in duck fat, in which the juicy pieces of different meats are mixed together."
on Cassoulet
"The rib-sticking cassoulet was good."
on Cassoulet
"The cassoulet...oh, man...the cassoulet. A shallow pan of fat white beans, lamb shoulder, house-made sausage and duck confit in a stew sauce which was hearty, savory, rich and warming and was everything I expected. Even the presentation was intriguing: the duck was covered in a light coating of parsley and bread crumbs which was lightly broiled so it was vividly green...a small duck leg mountain with spring grass glades amidst a valley of beans and meat. Truly amazing."
on Cassoulet