One of the essential ingredients in Japanese cuisine, katsuobushi or okaka refers to dried, fermented, and wood-smoked skipjack tuna. It is typically available pre-packaged in the form of delicate shavings which are used for impa... READ MORE
Narutomaki or naruto is a traditional type of fish cake and a type of kamaboko (cured fish surimi) that’s most commonly used as ramen topping. It’s made by wrapping white fish paste (surimi) that’s been colored ... READ MORE
Kaluga is a caviar variety harvested from the eponymous river sturgeon, officially named Huso dauricus, which is native to the Amur River basin. Due to overfishing, kaluga is a critically endangered species, and the fish used for... READ MORE
Maldive fish is a dried fish product that originates from the Maldives, typically consisting of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) or other tuna varieties. This product has been one of the basic ways of preserving fish on the isl... READ MORE
Almas, which translates as diamond, is the most expensive caviar in the world. It is harvested from an albino beluga sturgeon (Huso huso), which should be between sixty and one hundred years old, and which is only found in the so... READ MORE
Kusaya is a Japanese fish delicacy made by brining, fermenting, and sun-drying mackerel or flying fish. The preparation of this specialty is a centuries-old tradition that is believed to hail from the Japanese region of Kanto, dating back... READ MORE
Konka saba is a traditional ingredient originating from Ishikawa Prefecture. It consists of mackerel fish that’s fermented for up to 5 years. The fermented mackerel is usually broken into tiny chunks, then sprinkled over rice. The dish is kn... READ MORE