Bangus is the national fish of Philippines, called milkfish in English. It is an adaptable, tough, and sturdy fish that can survive in confined spaces, so it is regularly bred on fish farms, which is the reason why it is widely a... READ MORE
Ilish (Tenualosa ilisha) is a fish that is mostly found in the coastal waters of the Bay of Bengal. During the monsoon season, it moves upstream to the rivers of Padma and Ganga to sprawl. It may reach the size of 50cm, and it can weigh u... READ MORE
Fourwing flying fish (lat. Hirundichthys affinisare) are typically found in the waters surrounding Barbados (which is also known as The Land of the Flying Fish), Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vinc... READ MORE
Endemic to the southern half of Australia, this prized fish is characterized by its elongated shape and a unique pattern of spots. King George is highly regarded for its sweet and delicate flesh that can withstand various cooking techniqu... READ MORE
Considered the official state fish of Connecticut since 2003, shad is a species of schooling ocean fish which has been an indispensable source of food and income for the local population for centuries. In Latin, the fish is known as A... READ MORE
Poulet fish is a variety of local snapper from Vanuatu that is praised for its unique flavor, said to be reminiscent of chicken. That is most certainly the reason why this fish was given the name poulet fish, which translates to ... READ MORE
Chinese brill (lat. Tephrinectes sinensis) is a unique species of flatfish belonging to the family Scophthalmidae. This family includes some of the most esteemed flatfish in culinary arts, like the turbot and the European brill. However, ... READ MORE
Elephant shark is a silver-gray fish that is related to sharks. It is usually found off the coast of New Zealand and Australia. The fish is characterized by its large pectoral fins and a cartilaginous trunk. It does not have a bony skelet... READ MORE
Member of the pearl perch family, West Australian dhufish is a premium quality table fish characterized by its robust shape, large head, thick tail, and bright silver color. Mainly found in the waters of West Australia, dhufish is a commo... READ MORE
Blue warehou or Seriolella brama is a dark-bluish green fish with a silvery white belly, a small head, and plump body, spawning off western Victoria and Tasmania. The fish has a thick fillet, with just a few bones. They are usual... READ MORE
Bombay duck (lat. Harpadon nehereus), despite its name, is not a duck but a type of fish. It is a soft, fleshy lizardfish found in the waters of the Arabian Sea, particularly along the western coast of India near Maharashtra and Gujarat. ... READ MORE