"I ordered a Stroganoff coxinha which, despite the initial strangeness, is incredibly tasty, and a Lamb coxinha which came with a delicious mint sauce and became my lifetime favourite coxinha."
on Coxinha
"Be sure to try at least one coxinha at Santa Coxinha, which in my opinion serves the best coxinhas in town!"
on Coxinha
"Santa Coxinha, a true paradisa for Paulistas, where you have the chance to choose from over 60 types of filling for the most beloved snack of the city. Like a good Paulistana, I surrendered to the temptation and ate the coxinhas like there is no tomorrow."
on Coxinha
"The restaurant has a variety of pastries, snacks, beirutes, luncheons and lunch options. The highlight of the house, as the name suggests, are the coxinhas of various flavors, from classic ones to being stuffed with beef stroganoff, for example."
on Coxinha