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Le Severo

Paris, France

8 Rue des Plantes, 75014 Paris, France +33 1 45 40 40 91


Beef Dish


Recommended by Mark Bittman and 6 other food critics.

Steak tartare

Recommended by Alexander Lobrano and 5 other food critics.


"His steaks are superb, but his pride and joy is the steak tartare he hand-chops from premium French beef and then seasons with a light hand. It comes to the table with an avalanche of some of the city’s best frites."
"Other treats on the menu include an incomparable steak tartare."
"If you think you've had great steaks, wait until you try these from an ex-butcher dare devotees of this beef-lover's delight in Montparnasse."
"If you want to eat good meat in Paris, it's here. Even the two butcher 'stars' learnedly opposed by their fake enmity (Hugo Desnoyers and Yves -Marie Le Bourdonnec ) agree on this."
"Roasted, then sliced in the kitchen, served with the bone in, it came blood rare, beautifully marbled and delicious. The frites were hand cut, expertly fried and, as is so often the case in Paris (and throughout Europe), still made from decent potatoes; when you bite into them you're not just experiencing crunch but complex flavor."
"The meat also deserves to be tried raw, in a steak tartare – here, the naturally fatty meat is minimally seasoned: no egg, no spice, but just an edge of capers and shallots. The quality of the meat, soft and full of flavour, is top notch, and the chips – often neglected elsewhere – also stand out, set to one side in their own bowl."
"I had the thick pavé de rumsteck. Both were tender, juicy, well seasoned and encrusted with a wonderful sear. The fries are hand cut, freshly fried, served hot and crisp."
"Le Severo is run by a former butcher, and it shows: this is one of the local hotspots for anything meat related (hint: make reservations), and everyone raves about the house fries, as well."
"All kinds of beef are well prepared here, from the grilled veal to steak tartare. Among all the beef flair from William the chef, tartare, is what we foodies come here for. Chunk by chunk, I munch this masterpiece. In about an hour, I past my test and finished the whole tartare that takes at least two to finish. Proud I felt, but more grateful to William than ever, for without a great chef preparing such tasty and fresh tartare, there was no way for me to make it."
"Imagine it, this tartare. Weight of 350 g. Prepared with delicacy and elegance, that is to say, finely perfumed and not copiously sprinkled, with its capers whole and avoiding overcrowding and acidity. He arrives with fries to die for, wide, irregular, crispy and melting at the same time, and a salad of young shoots, little oiled and pleasantly fresh with peppered taste."

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