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Cachorro-Quente do Landi

Brasília, Brazil

Cachorro-Quente do Landi | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Asa Sul Superquadra, Sul 405 - Asa Sul, Brasília - DF, 70239-000, Brazil +55 61 99987-7351


Hot Dog

Cachorro quente

Recommended by Time Out Brasil and 3 other food critics.


"He himself makes the bread, potato chips and the sauce. It's the best hot dog ever!"
"One of the most popular ones is Landi's trailer, with his hot dog served without saving on accompaniments."
"On every square, there's a stand with this snack, but Landi's is different. The bread and potato chips are homeade, the ingredients are of excellent quality and the service is great."
"Considered as one of the best hot dogs in Brasília, Cachorro-Quente do Landi even has homemade bread and potato chips."

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